This thing has three things going for it - It's Green, it makes Wolves, and its a Rogue!
Like the Mayor of Avarbuck and Garruk Relentless, this guy synergizes with one of my favorite Green cards - Master of the Wild Hunt.
He is reminiscent of the Hero of Bladehold, but I feel the Wolf theme is going to be very important to the set, whereas the Hero was only good because, well, it ws good.
As for the Rogue part, personal preference.
Not hard to see this guy dominating the board very quickly. His cost is good for competitive formats, let alone EDH/Commander, and there are enough cheap Vampires that you might be able to Transform him straight up without using his Tap ability.
And once he transforms? Fuhgeddabodit.
I have a personal distaste for Vampires, probably because they are overused in media. I don't have Cable TV and I am still over exposed to Vampiric drivel. This guy kinda makes me think they aren't so bad.
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