Sunday, March 18, 2012

March 2012 update

Howdy fellow travelers of the interwebz, its been a long time since I communed from this particular outlet.  Everytime I go to update something comes up, or I otherwsie get distracted by major projects. 

So what has been going on?  Well, I posted the first couple of episodes of Off Color Cast on here, and we are actually up to episode 10.  Right now, the show is on break so I can move, and otherwise get everything in order. 

The articles have been coming out every Thurs as per uze, and I have been pretty bad about getting back on the comments.  I read them, but the trolls tend to send me into a rage, so I have to keep my distance lately.  When my personal life is less stressful (ie im not facing foreclosure/trapped in a small box anymore) I am sure the commenting and general socialness will resume.  If anyone wants to get in touch with me, and not just to troll, feel free to email me at csilver85 (@)

The really major thing that has sucked up my time though - my novel, Sun Snuff.  With the break to off color, I've been working non stop to get it done, and wouldn't you know it, it is!  So I am working on finding publishers/agents, and have sent out the final copy to friends to give it one last go through.  Anyone interested in Sun Snuff may contact me via email as well.

Also, Twitter or Facebook tend to work.

Thanks a bunch!